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AOCC Charter

AOCC Constitution & ARRL Charter


Arizona Outlaws Contest Club Constitution
(June 26, 2009)

We, the undersigned, wishing to secure for ourselves the pleasures and benefits of the association of persons commonly interested in Amateur Radio contesting, constitute ourselves as the Arizona Outlaws Contest Club (AOCC) and enact this constitution as our governing law. It shall be our purpose to promote radio knowledge, camaraderie, and individual operating efficiency, and to so conduct club programs and activities as to advance the general interest and welfare of amateur radio in the community, with a specific focus on amateur radio contesting (Radiosport).


Article I: Affiliation

It shall be the desire of this club to seek and retain formal Club Affiliation with the American Radio Relay League, and to encourage all members to seek individual membership with the American Radio Relay League.


Article II: Membership
Section 1- All licensed amateur radio operators interested in amateur radio Contesting shall be eligible for membership.

Section 2- Membership shall be granted to all such interested persons who designate interest in becoming members in the club.

Section 3- In extraordinary cases, membership may be revoked "for cause" if three-fourths of the total AOCC membership vote in favor.


Article III: Officers
Section 1 - The officers of this club shall consist of a President, three or more Regional Vice Presidents, and a Secretary/Treasurer. For the first year, the undersigned AOCC Board of Directors will select these officers. After that time, they will be voted on by the entire membership, and by May 1. The first general election will be for the June 1, 2010 thru May 31, 2011 time period.

Section 2 – Officers term shall be one year, and shall run June 1 – May 31.

Section 3 - Vacancies occurring between elections shall be filled by special elections as soon as possible following the withdrawal or resignation of any officer. The remaining officers shall conduct the special election. Voting shall be by any form of communication, including e-mail. Election to the vacant office shall be by a majority of the members voting.

Section 4 - Officers may be removed by a three- fourths vote of the total membership.

Section 5 – The AOCC Board of Directors will include the Officers plus the Public Relations/Awards person mentioned in Article IV, Section 4.



Article IV – Duties of Officers

Section1 - The President shall preside at all meetings and conduct them according to the rules adopted. The President shall enforce due observance of this Constitution; decide all questions of order, sign all official documents adopted by the club, and perform all other duties pertaining to the office.

Section 2 – In the President’s absence at a meeting, the AOCC Regional Vice President of the region the meeting is being held, will assume the President’s duties. All Regional Vice Presidents will assist in organizing club activities, keep close contact with the members in his Region for the purpose of assisting those members with any contest related issues regardless of the member’s contest experience or ability. All Regional Vice Presidents will assume any other duties as assigned by the President.

Section 3 – The Secretary/Treasurer (Secretary duties) will keep a record of the proceedings of all meetings and make a summary available, keep a roll of members, submit membership as required, carry on all correspondence, read communications at each meeting, and send e-mail meeting notices to members. The Secretary/Treasurer will maintain individual member attendance records at regular meetings. The Secretary/Treasurer (Treasurer duties) shall receive and receipt for all monies paid to the club, keep an accurate account of all monies received and expended, and pay no bills without proper authorization (by the club or its officers constituting a business committee). At or prior to each regular club meeting, the Treasurer shall report on the state of the club finances. The Treasurer shall be prepared to submit an itemized statement of disbursements and receipts to the club membership upon request, within a reasonable period of time.

Section 4 – In addition to the Officers, the President will appoint a Public Relations/Awards person. His/Her duties will involve promotion of the club, meeting arrangements, awards procurement and any other duties as assigned by the President.

Section 5 – A club Webmaster shall also be appointed by the President. His/her duties will be anything related to production or maintenance of the club website.



Article V – Meetings

The by-laws shall provide for Regular meetings, no less than two per year, at such times and places as shall be conducive to maximum attendance. At meetings, a majority of those members in attendance shall constitute a quorum for conducting business. Meetings and votes may be held/acted on in person or, due to the size of the area covered by the club, via electronic means. Votes by US Mail also are acceptable.


Article VI – Operating Funds
Dues shall be $10 per year per member (amended effective 1/1/17). Voluntary donations above that amount are welcome. The President will make the membership aware of any unforeseen expenses incurred by the club and will solicit donations for said expenses. Any donations made by members are voluntary and non-refundable. The Board of Directors has the authority to raise funds by other means such as, but not limited to, the sale of donated equipment, providing ham related services, etc


Article VII – Assistance to Members

If volunteer resources are available within the club, AOCC may endeavor to provide technical advice and assistance to members concerning equipment, antenna design and operations to assist in frequency observance, clean signal, uniform practice and absence of spurious radiations for members’ stations. In addition, AOCC will foster assisting contesters, of any experience level, with their contesting needs and issues.


Article VIII – Club Communications

The club will utilize e-mail, the AOCC Reflector and an Internet website to reduce printing and postage costs. Subscription to the club e-mail reflector and restricted pages on the website are limited to club members or approved non-members.


Article IX – Amendments
This constitution or by-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the club’s membership.  Proposals for amendments shall be submitted in writing at a regular club meeting and shall be voted on at the next following regular meeting provided all members have been notified of the intent to amend the constitution at said meeting.   Voting may also be conducted using email or on the AOCC Reflector.   
Robert’s Rules shall govern proceedings.


AOCC By-Laws
1.  Secretary:
It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep the constitution and by-laws of the club and have the same with him/her at every meeting.  He/she shall note all amendments, changes, and additions to the constitution and shall permit it to be consulted by members upon request.

2.  Membership:
Full membership is open to licensed amateurs who pay annual dues, which permits them the right to hold a club office, vote for club officers, and to vote on other questions brought by the officers/board to the membership. 

3.  Meetings:
Regular meetings may be held or called as desired or needed by the officers.  The president or officers of the club, upon written request of any five club members, may call special meetings.  Notices to the members will be sent via the AOCC reflector concerning such special meetings and the specific business to be transacted.  Only such business as designated shall be transacted at such a special meeting. 

4.  Website: A Webmaster shall be appointed by the President. The Webmaster shall be in charge of the design of the website and the AOCC reflector.  If the Webmaster deems appropriate, he/she may call for a volunteer advisory team of members to assist and advise the Webmaster in the design and content on the site.

5.  Center of 175 Mile and 250 Mile Circles for Club Competition:
For club competition purposes, the officers will determine the center of our club’s 175-mile circle (ARRL Contests if “Section” definition not used) and 250-mile circle (CQ Contests), to encompass as many Arizona and adjoining state contesters as possible. As required, members eligible for club competitions must be within the appropriate circle and that list will be forwarded by the Secretary-Treasurer to the appropriate club competition departments of ARRL and CQ Magazine.  Other members outside the circle will be listed separately on the website membership list.

Constitution and Bylaws enacted by a unanimous vote of the Charter members, June 26, 2009.


Charter Members and Founding Board of Directors

Bob Epstein K8IA
John Arthurs K7WP
Sandy Farley N7RQ
Mike Fulcher KC7V
Dave Gilbert AB7E

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© 2009 - 2024 Arizona Outlaws Contest Club - a 501 (C) 7 organization

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